W. Clay Smith

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What I Really Wish Would Happen with Impeachment…

Just in cased you have been in a comma for the past six months, our President is under the threat of impeachment.  Hearings, witnesses, twitter wars, and political strategists all are seeking to answer this question: “Did the President’s behavior rise to the level of an impeachable offense?”

 That question has not yet been answered, but I wish somethings would happen.

 I wish President Trump would say, “You know, I made a mistake.  I wanted the Ukrainians to do an investigation that would benefit me politically.  I threatened them.  That was wrong. I sinned against my opponent and against God.  It was a dumb thing to do and I won’t do it again. I’m going to stop worrying about being re-elected and get on with running the country.”  King David said, “I have sinned against the Lord” and repented.

 I wish House Democrats would say, “Yes, we have a political agenda.  We don’t like the President.  But maybe we need to pause and ask what’s best for the country.  Maybe we need to say ‘no’ to some of our own political base and think this through.  Let’s be Americans first, and Democrats second.”   Jesus said, “Whoever wants to be the leader must be the servant.” 

 I wish House Republicans would say, “The President did do wrong.  We’re not going to pretend otherwise.  We will support the President when he is right, but we will oppose him when he is wrong.  If the President did commit an impeachable offense, we will not worry about the voters back home.  We’ll do what is right.”  God told Joshua, “Be strong and be of courage.” 

 I wish Senators would wait until the House actually votes on something before getting on TV and posturing about how wrong or right the House is.  Doesn’t the Bible say something about fools talking all the time but wise people listen more than they speak?

 I wish CNN, FOX News, and MSNBC would just report the news.  Jesus said, “Let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and your ‘no,’ ‘no.’”

 I wish Joe Biden would say, “I made some calls because I wanted to help my son.  Looking back, that wasn’t very smart.  I won’t do that again.  Hey, Trump isn’t perfect and neither am I.  Let’s talk about how to solve the problems in our country.”  Jesus said, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”

 I wish Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell, Jr., and Robert Jefferies would remember Jesus is our Savior, not Donald Trump.  I wish they would stop worrying about so much about getting America back to God, and remember no matter far America drifts from God, God will still be God.  I wish they talk more about how Jesus changed their lives.  A verse from Psalms says, “Put not your trust in princes.”  Or politicians.

 I wish a computer virus would disable all Russian and Ukrainian hackers.  The Bible says something about a plague descending on the land.  A computer virus sounds like a good tool of God’s judgment.

 I wish God would use this moment to help our country look at itself and make us ask, “What’s wrong with us?  Why are we allowing this?  Why are we focused more on dividing ourselves than uniting ourselves?  We’ve lost our way.  We thought we were big and powerful and didn’t need God.  We really do need him.  Let’s return to God and to his ways.  Let’s get back on track.”  The Psalmist said, “Search me and test me, O Lord, and see if there be any wicked way in me.”

 I’m sure by this time you are rolling your eyes and accusing me of being unrealistic.  Maybe so.  But Jesus came into the real world.  God’s word was written against the backdrop of political maneuvering and intrigue.  Power struggles are splashed across the pages of scripture.  I’m pretty sure God has seen all this before.

 Maybe all this is unrealistic.  Or maybe my wishes should be my prayer list.  “If my people… will humble themselves and pray, then I will heal their land.”

 I really wish for and pray for, some healing in this land.